Kaki Lima Depan Rumah

An inquiry into the significance of street vendors at Muara Karang, North Jakarta

  • Graphic Design
  • Print and Publication
  • Community

'Kaki Lima Depan Rumah' is an introspective endeavour that delves into the lives of street vendors in Muara Karang, North Jakarta. Expanding on the theme of gentrification, this initiative offers a personalized narrative, rooted in my 17 years of living and growing up in the area. It is an exploration into the community's essence, recognizing street vendors as not merely disturbance and nuisance but also integral threads in the social and cultural tapestry of Muara Karang, defining the neighbourhood's unique character.

A project by Andre Antonius Djap
A project by Andre Antonius Djap
A project by Andre Antonius Djap
A project by Andre Antonius Djap
A project by Andre Antonius Djap
A project by Andre Antonius Djap