Your Guide to the Chinese Cupid

Embracing Yue Lao: A Contemporary Journey into Ancient Love Lore.

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The guide to 月老 the Chinese cupid: 'Rediscovering Tradition, Reviving Heritage' is a modern endeavor to reconnect today's generation with the rich folklore of Yue Lao, the Chinese deity of love. Through this, we bridge tradition and modernity, fostering a deeper appreciation for cultural heritage, inspiring individuals to embrace their roots and celebrate the timeless wisdom preserved within local temples.

A project by Sammi Cheong
A project by Sammi Cheong
A project by Sammi Cheong
A project by Sammi Cheong
A project by Sammi Cheong
A project by Sammi Cheong
A project by Sammi Cheong
A project by Sammi Cheong
A project by Sammi Cheong