The Dysfunctional Classics

Exploring the notions of beautiful bookmaking through subverting rules and theories

  • Graphic Design
  • Print and Publication
  • Typography

‘The Dysfunctional Classics’ subverts Jan Tschichold's bookmaking theories, exploring their impact on design and readership. These books playfully contrast Tschichold’s ideals with 'bad design', prompting reflection on design principles' rigidity. By bending rules, the project questions if deviations can offer unexpected beauty and functionality. It serves as both creative exploration and a dialogue on tradition versus innovation in bookmaking, challenging the boundaries of design theory.

A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia
A project by Heng Yen Pin Livia