Sculpting Perceptions

Exploring textures in digital-physical interaction bridging realms seamlessly.

  • Interaction
  • Print and Publication
  • Craft and Making
  • Generative Design

Exploring the relationship between physical and digital textures, utilising interaction design to seek a blend between these realms. Sculpting Perceptions aims to emphasise the importance of tactile engagement in a world that is increasingly digital. Designing meaningful interactions that highlights the power of touch as a means of communication across different sensory levels.

A project by Low Gui Yan, Cheryl
A project by Low Gui Yan, Cheryl
A project by Low Gui Yan, Cheryl
A project by Low Gui Yan, Cheryl
A project by Low Gui Yan, Cheryl
A project by Low Gui Yan, Cheryl
A project by Low Gui Yan, Cheryl
A project by Low Gui Yan, Cheryl