Art Smart

Reshaping art museum etiquette education in elevating visitor experience.

  • Graphic Design
  • Exhibition and Installation
  • Illustration

Art Smart tackles the challenge of educating museum visitors on etiquette, aiming to break the perception of art museums as intimidating spaces. By reshaping traditional etiquette guides to focus on curiosity and exploration, Art Smart enhances the visitor experience. Through a combination of education and interactivity, the project empowers visitors to discover their own way to explore art museums with excitement and confidence, all while respecting basic etiquette.

A project by Siffa Annura Affan
A project by Siffa Annura Affan
A project by Siffa Annura Affan
A project by Siffa Annura Affan
A project by Siffa Annura Affan
A project by Siffa Annura Affan
A project by Siffa Annura Affan
A project by Siffa Annura Affan