Nusantara Bergaul

Exploring design thinking to bridge intergenerational communication breakdown caused by Indonesian slang.

  • User Experience
  • Print and Publication
  • Social Media

Nusantara Bergaul seeks to bridge the communication gap between generations in Indonesia caused by the dynamic nature of slang. Many have expressed their struggle to understand one another due to these language changes. Through design thinking, this project aims to educate both older and younger individuals on contemporary slang and its appropriate usage. By promoting learning and dialogue, Nusantara Bergaul endeavors to foster mutual understanding across generations, ultimately promoting harmony in communication.

A project by Wynne Liviani
A project by Wynne Liviani
A project by Wynne Liviani
A project by Wynne Liviani
A project by Wynne Liviani
A project by Wynne Liviani
A project by Wynne Liviani