Exhibition beyond Immersive Augmented Reality

An investigation into AR interactions within contemporary museums, with the aim of enriching a meaningful experience

  • Technology
  • User Experience
  • Exhibition and Installation

Museums play a crucial role in preserving and curating the cultural heritage and historical narratives of different societies, but they face a constant and dynamic challenge, especially in a time of rapid technological changes. In this research, I explore how Augmented Reality can be integrated into the exhibit, enhancing the experience and identify and analyze the possible benefits and drawbacks of using augmented reality (AR) as a visual language in various domains.

A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo
A project by Richard oo