This student is highly creative and innovative, and they are always looking for new ways to express themselves through their art. They have a keen eye for detail and a strong sense of aesthetics, which allows them to create beautiful and impactful designs. Because of their background in interdisciplinary design, this student is well-equipped to think outside the box and approach dance in a unique and innovative way. They may use technology, visual arts, or other disciplines to enhance their dance performances and create a truly immersive experience for their audience. With the focus of dance and community engagement with street art, the project may have the potential to change public perception of hip-hop culture and to investigate the ecosystem of youth development programs.



A community engagement project using street arts

This project uses participatory-design research to increase prosocial behaviour and decrease youth delinquency in Singapore. It involves collaboration from local schools, social services and the community. The outcomes of this programme have the potential to change public perception of hip-hop culture and to investigate the ecosystem of youth development programs.

  • Graphic Design
  • Branding and Identity
  • Community