I am Anushka Dev, I recently graduated from Lasalle College of the Arts, Singapore with a Bachelor of Arts in Design Communication. I am a creative designer and throughout my degree, I developed a passion for art direction and branding. During my time at university I got a chance to build my own brand as my final year project and collaborate with different organisations.


Renew Drobe

TikTok making fast fashion faster?

Renew Drobe is a non-profit organization working for fashion activism movement currently based in Singapore. It was birthed due to the increasing media consumption amongst GenerationZ and quick paced micro trends floating on social media platforms leading to unconscious consumerism and the rising fast fashion problem. This organization reaches out to Gen Z the Gen Z way offering Upcycling workshops, clothing swaps and many more fun campaigns in the future! We wish to break the vicious cycle of mindless consumption and promote conscious and sustainable consumption.

  • Branding and Identity
  • Social Media