Hello! I'm Naomi, a multidisciplinary designer with a passion for UI/UX design. I believe that exposing myself to different design disciplines has helped me develop a unique perspective on user experience, and I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow as a designer.



A space for you to xplore & xpress your xtended identity

ID-X (YOUR IDENTITY, XTENDED), is a social media e-commerce app that allows young individuals to connect with other young individuals in the digital fashion community while shopping for digital fashion. This project studies how digital identities designed by young individuals allow them to explore and reinvent their identities as well as better present their identities online through digital fashion. As an important medium of self-expression, digital fashion provides users with many creative opportunities and the means to explore, expand, and inhabit their digital identities. Young individuals who value self-expression can be seen using digital fashion to elevate their social media. However, while they get to elevate their social media and stand out with images of themselves wearing digital fashion, they may not get to connect with other digital fashion consumers on social media because of how niche it is. By providing young individuals with a platform and community to explore and express themselves however they want through digital fashion, they can distinguish themselves and at the same time, feel a sense of belonging.

  • Graphic Design
  • Advertising
  • User Experience